Learners with previous college credits and/or creditable life experience or workplace training may wish to consider the Board of Governors Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree. This is a flexible degree completion opportunity designed for busy adults who want to earn a college degree. It can save countless hours and dollars in your quest to achieve your educational goals by awarding college credit for work and life experiences.
Adult students with a broad range of life and educational experiences may combine a core of academic courses with credits earned through prior learning experiences to structure a unique associate degree program. The Board of Governors A.A.S. is designed to graduate students who are prepared to become active, socially responsible members in their communities and places of employment.
Degree Requirements
The Board of Governors program consists of 60 credit hours, including 21 credit hours of General Education courses in communications, social science, computer literacy, and math/science, and 39 credit hours of General Electives which may be met through an individual educational degree plan.
Graduation Requirements
- At least 60 credit hours must be completed in courses numbered 100 or higher
- A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0
- At least 15 of the 60 credits hours must be completed at Eastern
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the Board of Governors A.A.S. degree, graduates will be able to:
- Apply effective written and oral communication skills
- Work collaboratively in groups
- Think critically and solve problems
- Demonstrate practical application of quantitative and scientific reasoning skills
- Demonstrate analysis and evaluation of skill competencies derived from multiple sources including work, volunteer activities, hobbies, etc.
- Demonstrate understanding of principles of good citizenship
- Develop long-range vocational or transfer goals
- Demonstrate basic computer literacy and use of computerized communication technology
- Examine issues from a global perspective
- Demonstrate mastery of interdisciplinary competencies as defined in the educational plan
DegreeNow! Adult Completion Initiative
So, for adult students who wish to complete college-level learning and/or technical training — and with a goal of preparing a more highly trained West Virginian citizenry to meet our workforce and civic needs and compete in the 21st-century job market with advanced and hands-on skills — educators are reaching out with an integrated, statewide program: DegreeNow.
The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and the West Virginia Community and Technical College System, in partnership with NASPA-Student Affairs in Higher Education, are facilitating a collaborative effort called DegreeNow, an integrated statewide adult degree completion program, with support from the Lumina Foundation for Education.
And while educators believe that all West Virginians should strengthen their job-market skills with college and technical training, DegreeNow focuses first on adults (over 25) who meet the following three qualifications:
- They have completed some college since 1995
- But have not yet earned a degree
- And have not been enrolled for at least three years.
DegreeNow will allow the benefits of three already existing and separate programs to mesh together, build on each other, and work as one:
- the West Virginia Board of Governors Adult Completion Associate in Applied Science Degree
- the Regents Transfer Agreement
- the Regents Bachelor of Arts Degree.
Together, these components will provide a unique and unified opportunity for adults to earn an associate or bachelor's degree previously started, facilitate progress for those who complete an associate degree, and work towards earning a bachelor’s degree.
According to state data, there are 126,997 potential degree completers who meet the criteria. Of these, most have earned fewer than 30 credits (45%), followed by 30-59 credits (25%), 60-89 credits (22%), and 90-119 credits (12%). By 2013 our goal is to have helped 3,000 adults complete an associate’s degree and 4,600 adults complete a bachelor’s degree. Each year thereafter, our goal is to help an additional 2,500 adults complete a credential.
Estimate Your Costs
Eastern is one of the most affordable colleges in the United States!
Rates are for 2022-2023 and based on two full-time (12 credit hour) semesters. Rates are subject to change and do not include books, academic supplies, or student fees.
Tuition Rates | Eastern | WV 2-Year Colleges | WV 4-Year Colleges |
West Virginia Residents | $4,128 | $4,776 | $12,410 |
Non-Residents | $8,520 | $10,152 | $26,096 |
Admissions Requirements
Eastern adheres to an open admission policy which means applications with a high school diploma or GED are eligible for admission. Students are eligible for admission to the program one year after high school graduation. Students must not hold a degree from an accredited institution nor be enrolled simultaneously in another degree program. Students interested in the Board of Governors A.A.S. program must meet with the VP of Academics and Student Services to discuss admission into the program.
Prior Learning Assessment
Prior Learning Assessment is a term used to describe learning gained outside a traditional academic environment. Put another way, it’s learning and knowledge your students acquire while living their lives: working, participating in employer training programs, serving in the military, studying independently, volunteering or doing community service, and studying open-source courseware.
In short, it is the evaluation and assessment of an individual’s life learning for college credit, certification, or advanced standing toward further education or training.
“Non-traditional” learning that qualifies for college credit equivalence may include learning and skills acquired through any or all of the following:
- Military training
- Work and life experience
- On-the-job and vocational training
- Personal development and enrichment activities such as private reading and serious hobbies
- Independent study
- Schools and institutes that are not accredited
- Special licensure, certification and formal training programs
Measuring Non-Traditional Learning for Credit
In accordance with established college practices, and based on the judgment of academic professionals and, when necessary, other appropriately credentialed professionals, Eastern will validate such "non-traditional" learning that is equivalent to courses or program outcomes that meet requirements for the college degree in which the student enrolls.
To validate and award credit for "non-traditional" college-level learning, Eastern will use testing instruments and assessment measures, including: