Early Entrance
During any semester of their junior or senior years, high school students may attend Eastern as an Early Entrance student. Those who successfully complete college-level courses may use the credits towards a Certificate or Associate Degree at Eastern – or choose to transfer the credits to other colleges and universities.
To qualify for admission to the Early Entrance Program, students must submit an Early Entrance Course Authorization and Responsibility Form. This form identifies the class(es) you plan to take, provides parental authorization for tuition payment, and authorizes the release of college grade information to the student’s high school. Early Entrance students must meet pre-requisite test scores before registering for any college-level English or Math course.
Eastern recognizes the importance of Early Entrance classes. Any student who identifies as a Homeschool student or a Virtual Learning student is welcome to apply.
The cost for Early Entrance classes is $40 per credit hour. A 3-credit hour class will be $120.00 (This rate is subject to revisions) Additional Course, book, lab, or online fees may apply. Tuition is due by the first day of class or the first day of your high school classes, whichever comes first.
All college-level courses earned are transferable to other West Virginia colleges and universities and most other institutions of higher education throughout the nation. Occasionally, an out-of-state university will not accept Early Entrance credits; if you know where you will be attending, we suggest you check with the appropriate college official now to determine transferability.
We offer classes to students at these high schools

East Hardy High School

Hampshire High School

Moorefield High School

Pendleton County High School

Petersburg High School

Tucker County High School