Elementary Education

Eastern offers a partnership with Concord University, which offers bachelor's degrees, to allow students to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Education, where students complete two years of coursework and earn an associate degree at Eastern before transferring to Concord University.

For the third and fourth years of coursework, students are enrolled with Concord University, but classes are held at Eastern's campus in Moorefield, and classroom observations and field placements are in schools located in the Potomac Highlands.

Associate in Science to Bachelor of Arts • 2+2 Program

Concentration and B.A. courses will be offered through Concord University on Eastern’s campus via Zoom, Live, Blackboard, hybrid, or web.

All field placements, including student teaching, will be completed in Eastern’s service area and supervised by Sherry Michael, Eastern Education Programs coordinator.

Meet Your Instructor!

Sherry Michael
Education Programs Coordinator/
Assistant Professor-Faculty

"Hello, my name is Sherry Michael. I am the Coordinator for Eastern’s Education Programs. I oversee the Education, Early Childhood Development, and Residential Care Specialists Programs for the College.

I am involved with the Grow Your Own (GYO) Program recently introduced to our high school juniors and seniors in Grant, Hardy, and Hampshire Counties. Tucker and Pendleton Counties will be joining the GYO in the upcoming semester.

Our Education Program is offered in partnership with West Virginia University Parkersburg (WVUP). Students complete the Associate in Science Degree with Eastern then continue at Eastern for their Bachelor’s Degree through WVUP.

I invite you to join me in finding out all our Education Program has to offer you. Embrace your future with us and know that, “The future of the world is in our classrooms”."

Sherry Michael Headshot - Landscape

Estimate Your Costs

Eastern is one of the most affordable colleges in the United States!

Rates are for 2022-2023 and based on two full-time (12 credit hour) semesters. Rates are subject to change and do not include books, academic supplies, or student fees.

Tuition Rates Eastern WV 2-Year Colleges WV 4-Year Colleges
West Virginia Residents $4,512 $4,810 $6,672
Non-Residents $4,512 $9,886 $14,952

Program Is Eligible for West Virginia Invests


NOTE: West Virginia Invests support for this program is only available for the coursework applied to the 2-year Associate of Science degree earned through Eastern.

Admissions Requirements

Eastern adheres to an open admission policy which means applications with a high school diploma or GED are eligible for admission.

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