
group of women

Eastern WVCTC Partners with South Branch CTC for Hospitality & Tourism Management Dual Credit Pathway

July 16, 2024

Petersburg, W.Va. – Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College and South Branch Career and Technical Center have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a collaborative partnership. This agreement aims to provide high school students with a dual credit pathway opportunity to earn the Hospitality & Tourism Management Certificate from Eastern, before graduating high school. These courses are only transferrable for students planning to attend Eastern College. “Having the opportunity to collaborate with South Branch Career and Technical Center and allow additional students to work…

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group portrait of nursing students and faculty

Emotional Night for Eastern’s Nursing Cohort at Pinning Ceremony

May 13, 2024

MOOREFIELD, W.Va. – A Pinning Ceremony was held for Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College’s graduating Nursing Cohort, at Moorefield High School. It was a night filled with joy, relief, and celebration for the graduates, as this was the culmination of two years of hard work and studying, plus having finished the final certification exam just days prior. The ceremony opened with a welcome address from Eastern’s director of Nursing Education, Alicia VanMeter. Jamie Reel gave a breathtaking performance of the National Anthem, stunning the crowd with…

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Eastern Hosts 2024 Graduation Ceremony at Moorefield High School

May 13, 2024

MOOREFIELD, W.Va. – Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College honored 27 Fall 2023 and 54 Spring 2024 graduates at the college’s commencement ceremony on May 4 at Moorfield High School. Fifty of the graduates participated in the ceremony. Speakers for the graduation ceremony included President Thomas Striplin, Ed.D.; Board of Governors chairman Greg Greenwalt; invocation was nursing graduate Victoria “Tori” Hyndman; student speaker Crystal Goodwater; benediction Tiffany Sentmen, student services program coordinator; and Commissioner for the West Virginia Department of Agriculture, Kent Leonhardt, who…

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Twelve Romney Middle School Students Explored College Opportunities at Eastern

March 6, 2024

Moorefield W.Va. – A group of 12 enthusiastic students from Romney Middle School, accompanied by their dedicated teacher and guidance counselor, embarked on a career exploration field trip to Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College (Eastern). The purpose of the visit was to expose the students to specific career paths in business management and marketing and provide insights into future educational opportunities at Eastern. Throughout the day, the students engaged in a series of interactive activities designed to showcase Eastern’s array of programs. The students enjoyed hands-on learning experiences with a fun twist including a leadership icebreaker game featuring Mr. Potato Head, a Smart Lego build,…

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40 & 8 Hardy County Voiture 1623 Grants Scholarships To Eastern WVCTC Nursing Students

March 1, 2024

MOOREFIELD, W.Va. – On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, Jeff Fraley, director of nursing education, Warren Kessel, and Ken Bransky, representatives from 40 & 8 Hardy County Voiture 1623, presented four $500 checks from their nursing scholarship to Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College nursing students. The nursing student recipients were Michelle Adkins of Pendleton County, Jodee Crites of Grant County, Crystal Goodwater of Hampshire County, and Whitney Simon of Hardy County. “I am honored and extremely thankful to have been awarded the 40 &…

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Eastern Develops Cyber Intelligence Degree Program

January 29, 2024

Starting in the Fall of 2024, Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College will begin offering a cyber intelligence program with options to earn a two-year degree, 1-year academic certificate, and two micro-credentials in cyber intelligence. According to Dr. Tom Striplin, Eastern President, “We have been working on the development of this fully online program over the past year and are excited about the options and opportunities the program will provide to prospective students and employers.” All courses in the program including general education can…

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Quality Matters Course Reviews Successfully Completed by Eastern Faculty

November 17, 2023

Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College (Eastern) was awarded a $2.25 million Title III grant in 2021 from the United States Department of Education. One of the main objectives of the grant is to improve admission, retention, and graduation rates. Eastern realizes an important component of advancing the institution is continuous improvement in course design and program offerings. To meet this need, select faculty members are revising and implementing a new curriculum structure for 36 online gateway courses over four years of the grant. The process…

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Nursing Students Receive Scholarship from 40 & 8 Voiture 1623

October 5, 2023

MOOREFIELD, W.Va. – On Monday, September 25, Jeff Fraley, director of nursing education, Warren Kessel, Ken Bransky, and Steve Vaughn, representatives from 40 & 8 Hardy County Voiture 1623, presented four $500 checks from their nursing scholarship to Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College nursing students. The nursing student recipients were Michelle Adkins of Pendleton County, Jodee Crites of Grant County, Crystal Goodwater of Hampshire County, and Whitney Hall of Hardy County. “I am honored and extremely thankful to have been awarded the 40…

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