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2022 Youth Ag Innovation Showcase and Challenge

October 14, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College invites West Virginia educators and students to join us for the seventh annual Ag Innovation Showcase and Potomac Highlands Agriculture Technology and Innovation Challenge!

This is a free event for WV educators and students! Lunch will be provided by Meadowbrook Farm BBQ.

Youth Day Information

Friday, Oct. 14 | 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Eastern Main Campus

The Ag Innovation Showcase gives middle and high school students the chance to network with specialists in the field and share their creative ideas related to solving challenges in agriculture. Students are able to attend educational sessions presented by representatives from various organizations, including WVU Extension, the Farm Credit Knowledge Center, and other state, local, public, and private ag organizations and businesses.

Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. At check-in, students will be assigned with specific rooms for the judging section of the competition. Awards will be presented at lunch.

Potomac Highlands Agriculture Technology & Innovation Student Challenge

The WV Ag Catalyst Team comprised of the WV Department of Education, WV Department of Agriculture, and Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College is proud to announce the Potomac Highlands Ag Technology and Innovation Challenge. The Challenge is a competition for students to develop solutions for issues faced in agriculture using innovation in the form of technology, problem-solving, and new application. The goal is to foster innovation and excitement among West Virginia’s youth and improve agricultural opportunities in West Virginia. 

Up to $3,500 in cash prizes will be awarded the winning teams!

Student teams will prepare a three minute presentation or demonstration to discuss their concept. The presentation will be followed by a three minute Q&A session. Teams of up to four students can register to complete in either the middle or high school section. Only one team is permitted per school.

The innovation developed must pertain to one of the categories listed below. Innovation is defined as introducing a new idea, device, method – simply put the introduction to something new related to on-farm needs, an SAE or simulated workplace.

Ag Challenge Categories include:

  1. Agribusiness Systems
  2. Plant Systems
  3. Animal Systems
  4. Environmental and Natural Resources Management Systems
  5. Power, Structural and Technical Systems
  6. Food Products and Processing Systems

The challenge rubric can be viewed here.

Student teams must upload their presentation to a thumb drive and bring it with them to the competition.

How to RSVP

To RSVP email Carissa Beard at Carissa.Beard@easternwv.edu by Wednesday, Sept. 7. Please include the names of all students who will be attending. Up to 20 students per county are permitted.

For a printable flyer, click here.


October 14, 2022
9:00 am - 2:00 pm


Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College
316 Eastern Drive
Moorefield, WV 26836 United States
+ Google Map