Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College has announced the hiring of Dr. Sarah Cross as its Director of Agriculture Innovation. Within this role, Cross will provide leadership and specialized teaching and learning, introduce agricultural innovation and practices to local farmers and producers, and support partnerships dedicated to agriculture and agritourism.

A Mineral County native, Cross’ experience growing up on a farm has shaped her career and educational choices. After obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana, Cross returned to West Virginia where she completed a Master of Science in agriculture from West Virginia University. While at WVU, Cross began working with a WVU Extension specialist to organize the WV Small Farm Conference and helped start a market garden at WVU Jackson’s Mill.
After receiving her master’s degree, Cross became an agriculture and natural resources extension agent at Ohio State University Extension where she served two counties near the West Virginia border. Within this position, she facilitated various educational programs, including sessions pertaining to agronomy, consumer horticulture, livestock production, oil and gas, water quality, solar energy, beekeeping and direct marketing. Additionally, Cross worked with volunteers to create community gardens in a number of farm-to-school programs in the area.
Now with a doctoral degree in science education with an emphasis in agriscience from Ohio University and an article on one of her studies recently published in the Journal of Agriculture Education, Cross has returned to her roots and is excited about moving back to her beloved home state to lead agricultural innovation at Eastern.