Moorefield, W.Va. — West Virginia Senate President Randy Smith and State Senator Jay Taylor toured Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College’s main campus to engage with administration, faculty, and staff about academic and workforce education programs. Their visit provided valuable insight into Eastern’s impact on the community and its ongoing initiatives to support student success.
The visit began in the student lounge, where introductions were made. Smith shared his journey of growing up in West Virginia and working in the coal mines for 44 years before becoming Senate President, a role he never anticipated. Taylor also reflected on his West Virginia roots and family background. A key discussion during the introductions centered on the Eastern Foundation and grants awarded to the college, which is vital in funding academic and workforce initiatives. Additionally, the donations earned by the Eastern Foundation directly contribute to scholarship opportunities for students, ensuring financial barriers do not hinder educational success.
Following their introductions, Ciara Smith, Student Services program coordinator, and Tiffany Sentman, Student Services program advisor, along with Sheldon Arbaugh and Greg Greenwalt—current and former presidents of Eastern’s Board of Governors—led the senators on a campus tour. One of the first stops was the Workforce Education lab, where Dave Miller, Ag Innovation program coordinator, conducted a demonstration of hands-on medical and agriculture simulators for Hardy County 4-H students featuring ballistic gels, 3-D printing, and more. Other highlights of the tour included the newly equipped nursing lab with clinical simulation technology, the Workforce Education and Ag Innovation department, and the Career Services Center.
During their visit to the nursing lab, the senators learned how students gain hands-on experience with life-sized mannequins, practicing essential skills such as drawing blood, taking blood pressure, administering CPR, and even monitoring a baby’s heartbeat. The Workforce Education programs introduced them to a diverse range of short-term training opportunities, including healthcare, CDL, industrial training, and agriculture.

At the Career Services Center, career counselor Dixie Heavener discussed the support available to students and the community through the Title III grant. She highlighted career readiness and management workshops (C.R.A.M.), the annual Job Fair and the Career Carnival held at Eastern to provide networking opportunities for students and the community. She also mentioned the Dress for Success closet, which provides free professional attire for job interviews and employment.
The visit concluded with a warm exchange of Eastern-themed gift bags and lighthearted conversation, marking a successful and meaningful engagement. Eastern appreciates the opportunity to host WV Senate President Smith and Senator Taylor and remains committed to strengthening its educational support for the community.

About Eastern
Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College, located in Moorefield, serves six rural counties in the Potomac Highlands. The college offers 14 degree programs (including six fully online), 12 certificates, and over 30 transfer pathways to four-year schools. Its Workforce Education department provides 15+ training programs in various formats and specialized Agriculture Innovation training, including mentorship opportunities for Farm Fellows. Eastern supports students and the community through its Career Center, offering job placement, resume help, and interview preparation. The college is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.