Merritt Purol
Degree(s) earned from Eastern and from other schools:
- Certificate in Accounting, Eastern, 2017
- A.A.S. in Business Management, Eastern, 2017
- B.S. in Business Administration, Shepherd, 2019
Are you still taking classes? If so, where and what degree are you working toward?
Currently, I am not taking any classes.
Current Employer/Job (if applicable):
I am currently employed by Breezeline, an Internet and Cable provider. I review billing concerns by clients and troubleshoot service issues.
What is something you learned (knowledge, training, skills) during your academic program that you utilize in your workplace and/or current studies?
The biggest thing I learned from school was responsibility. Being able to get to class on time, keeping up with homework, and applying myself to achieve a goal really helped with maintaining employment. The computer skills I learned also have been useful in doing work and being able to accomplish goals.
Please share if courses, faculty, and/or staff at Eastern contributed to your career/educational success and how they helped:
Mr. Seyed was a great advisor. With his help with planning out my classes and the path he laid out for getting my degrees, I was able to graduate easily and efficiently. One thing I liked about Eastern was that the teachers knew their subjects well. I can’t really pick a specific class or teacher that stood out to me. All the professors were able to teach the love of the subject, not just the material. Each class was like a journey in learning a new subject.
What advice would you give to current Eastern students who are looking to follow a similar path to a job or continued studies?
The advice I would give to current students would be to keep working at the degree you are working for. It’ll take some time, but with enough effort put into the schoolwork, graduation will happen, and you’ll have gained your degree and be ready for the world. The memories will always be with you.
Are you an Eastern graduate? Have you completed an Ag workforce training program at Eastern? Are you a former Early Entrance student who transferred credits to another college or university? If you are, and you want to share your success story, we would love to hear from you! Email marketing@easternwv.edu today!