Stacey Hose
Degree(s) earned from Eastern and from other schools:
- Fall 2022 – A.A.S. Administrative Support Technology
- Spring 2022 – Certificate in Administrative Support Technology
- Spring 22 – Certificate in Business Management
Are you still taking classes? If so, where and what degree are you working toward?
Yes, I am still currently enrolled in full-time classes here at Eastern. I will receive my Associate in Applied Science degree in Business Management in the Fall of 23. After, I will be transferring to Franklin University to pursue my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management.
Current Employer/Job (if applicable):
Accounting Assistant I/Cashier at Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College.
What is something you learned (knowledge, training, skills) during your academic program that you utilize in your workplace and/or current studies?
I use the skills I learned in many of my classes to greet customers with an excellent interpersonal experience. I am utilizing the many accounting classes as well as Excel and Quickbooks.
Please share if courses, faculty, and/or staff at Eastern contributed to your career/educational success and how they helped:
I would say my classes at Eastern, in one way or another combined, have helped me get this job and hopefully to do a great job here for a long time. Eastern’s classes prepare you for real-life work experience and help you to excel in whatever your major may be.
What advice would you give to current Eastern students who are looking to follow a similar path to a job or continued studies?
Eastern offers so many after-graduation sessions to help you prepare for your future. Dixie Heavener and Jennifer Rexroad offer so many mini-sessions to help you prepare for your next step. The career path help was instrumental in my getting this job here. Dixie helped me in the evenings by doing mock interviews, and setting me up with success with my resume. Many mini-courses allow you to experience what you may succeed in.
Are you an Eastern graduate? Have you completed an Ag workforce training program at Eastern? Are you a former Early Entrance student who transferred credits to another college or university? If you are, and you want to share your success story, we would love to hear from you! Email marketing@easternwv.edu today!