Eastern Receives $2.25 Million Dollar Award to Strengthen the Institution

Dr. Tom Striplin, President of Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College announced that the U.S. Department of Education selected the college for a Title III: Strengthening Institutions Program award for their proposal, “Advising, Technology, Training and Innovation” (ATTAIN). This competitive federal grant will provide the college $2.25 million dollars over the next five years to strengthen educational experiences and student services. This project will help the College become self-sufficient and expand its capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability.

“This kind of comprehensive and innovative support will boost and expand the ability for Eastern to better serve, retain, and foster success for its students”, said Monica Wilson, Dean of Student Access and Success. This award will seek to support the development of redesigning an advising model, enhance career services, expand the instructional innovation with augmentation of online learning, improve data analysis, enhance data-driven decision making for assessment improvements, and increase the capacity of Eastern’s Foundation.

“Eastern’s Foundation is excited to be able to gain support from this award to grow the Foundation impact and Alumni Association, while better supporting student scholarships, faculty development, and capital projects in the years to come”, said Dr. Megan Webb, Eastern’s Dean of Community Engagement and Partnerships. The successful award was made possible by the hard work and dedication of staff and faculty who participated in submitting the application.

Eastern’s mission is to provide accessible and affordable educational opportunities for academic, technical, workforce training, and life-long learning for the Potomac Highlands regional community. Eastern’s vision is to enrich the Potomac Highlands regional community through a range of innovative programs and services.
