Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College recently announced the hiring of author Joe McGee as an English instructor and assessment facilitator.
McGee penned children’s picture books Peanut Butter & Brains, Peanut Butter & Aliens, and Peanut Butter & Santa Claus, as well as books
1-4 of the chapter book series, Junior Monster Scouts, books 1-3 the Creature Campers series, and books 1-4 of the forthcoming Night Frights books series.
As part of Eastern’s English faculty, McGee is responsible for the overall development, coordination, implementation and scheduling of English courses, student performance in English and transitional classes and recruiting English adjunct faculty and teaching assistants. As an assessment facilitator, he will serve on the college’s Assessment Committee and WV Higher Education Assessment Council College, facilitate assessment meetings and provide direction for interdepartmental assessment activities, and assist with the implementation of assessment activities.
In addition to teaching at Eastern, McGee is on the faculty of Sierra Nevada College’s low-residency Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program. McGee, a former airborne Army officer and platoon leader with service time oversees, has taught English at community colleges and universities for the past eight years and is new to West Virginia, having recently moved to the area with his children’s book author wife, Jessica, and their Australian Shepherd puppy, Pepper. He has a Master of Arts in Writing from Rowan University and an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts.