MOOREFIELD, W.Va. – A Pinning Ceremony was held for Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College’s graduating Nursing Cohort, at Moorefield High School. It was a night filled with joy, relief, and celebration for the graduates, as this was the culmination of two years of hard work and studying, plus having finished the final certification exam just days prior.
The ceremony opened with a welcome address from Eastern’s director of Nursing Education, Alicia VanMeter. Jamie Reel gave a breathtaking performance of the National Anthem, stunning the crowd with her voice. Overcome with the emotions of the evening during the song, she had to pause, and then everyone in the audience continued in unison until she and everyone finished the anthem together.
The invocation was spoken by Alec Kidwell, husband of Micaela Kidwell, Eastern’s Nursing faculty. Ciara Crites, Clinical faculty at Eastern, recognized the special guests, and the president of Eastern, Dr. Thomas Striplin, gave inspiring words for the graduates. Victoria “Tori” Hyndman was the student speaker, and Kari Evans, director of patient services and chief nursing officer, was the keynote speaker, lightening the mood with words of encouragement and stories after the recitation of the Nightengale Pledge. The nursing faculty presented the pins to the graduates, Alicia VanMeter said closing words, and Alec Kidwell gave the Benediction.
In total, 21 students passed to receive their pins and hats and earn the recitation of the Nightengale Pledge. Among the students were Michelle Brooke Adkins, Sarah Elizabeth Armentrout, Christopher Lee Barnes, Kenlie Connell, Danielle Marie Crider, Jodee Renee Crites, Cheyene Marie Fogle, Kimberly Fout, Crystal Lynn Goodwater, Victoria Gabrielle Hyndman, Brianna Michelle Jones, Kayla Mae Lantz, Amy Lynn Molina-Doggett, Nea A. Orem, Jamie Raye Reel, Heather Marie Sasser, Kayleigh Ashton Shifflett, Whitney Arin Simon, Emilee N. Strickland, MacKenzie Paige Weasenforth, and Holly Lynn Wilson.
Those who missed the Pinning Ceremony can view the recorded live stream on Facebook here.
About Eastern’s Nursing Program
The nursing program at Eastern dates back to 2006 when Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College launched a nursing program division in Moorefield. With Southern’s permission, Eastern later adopted the program’s curriculum and earned independent program accreditation from the WV Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses. The two-year RN program, which admits new students every other year, is also accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). For more information, visit https://easternwv.edu/academics/nursing-program/.

(Middle Row – Alicia VanMeter, Victoria Hyndman, Michelle Adkins, Sarah Armentrout, Kenlie Connell, Brianna Jones, Whitney Simon, Kayleigh Shifflett, Jodee Crites, Micaela Kidwell, Barbara See)
(Front Row – MacKenzie Weasenforth, Holly Wilson, Danielle Crider, Jamie Reel, Heather Sasser, Nea Orem)