Casey M. Goldizen
Degree(s) earned from Eastern:
- Business Management and Accounting, 2020
Are you still taking classes? If so, where and what degree are you working toward?
Current Employer/Job (if applicable):
PCB, Financial Center Manager
What is something you learned (knowledge, training, skills) during your academic program that you utilize in your workplace and/or current studies?
I learned why businesses will do what they do to make money. I learned that banking and accounting are opposite with their credits and debits. I learned that Excel sheets can create anything as long as you know the formulas.
Please share if courses, faculty, and/or staff at Eastern contributed to your career/educational success and how they helped:
I will give props to Seyed [Mirkhani], my advisor, and [business professor] Shirley Murphy. Taking as many business-related classes as I did, I saw Mrs. Murphy and Seyed numerous times. Seyed worked with my schedule, and he was very knowledgeable of his job. Mrs. Murphy taught a majority of my classes, and that means I had a lot of homework. I will say, I learned more from her class and all that homework than I ever dreamed I would.
These two made my experience at Eastern more memorable.
What advice would you give to current Eastern students who are looking to follow a similar path to a job or continued studies?
Utilize Eastern in any way you can. There are not many colleges that will work around your schedule, but Eastern will. They want to see you succeed.
What are some of your recent accomplishments and achievements in the workforce or in your continued studies:
It has been a little over a year, but I was promoted to Financial Center Manager of our Moorefield office on September 1, 2021. I am currently working on my mortgage lending ability.
Are you an Eastern graduate? Have you completed an Ag workforce training program at Eastern? Are you a former Early Entrance student who transferred credits to another college or university? If you are, and you want to share your success story, we would love to hear from you! Email marketing@easternwv.edu today!