Morgin Taylor Miller
Degree(s) earned from Eastern and from other schools:
- Spring 2019 – Paraprofessional Certification
- Fall 2019 – A.A.S. in Early Childhood Development
- B.A.S. in Child Development from WVU at Parkersburg
Are you still taking classes? If so, where, and what degree are you working toward?

Yes, I am currently enrolled in the Infant/Toddler program through the North American Montessori Center. I am starting my M.A.S. in Psychology in the Spring.
Current Employer/Job (if applicable)
Home Base Inc. – Outreach Counselor.
What is something you learned (knowledge, training, skills) during your academic program that you utilize in your workplace and/or current studies?
Something I learned during my academic program that I utilize in my workplace and/or current studies is how to communicate effectively with parents and other professionals.
Please share if courses, faculty, and/or staff at Eastern contributed to your career/educational success and how they helped:
My favorite class was Children’s Literature with Robin Williams. I enjoyed learning and putting into practice using literature in any and every aspect of a child’s life. Robin Williams and Sherry Michael are/were the best staff! They are very patient, kind, knowledgeable, and relatable. They inspired me to continue my education after receiving my A.A.S. in Early Childhood Development. These two teachers make learning fun and interesting no matter what the subject may be.
What advice would you give to current Eastern students who are looking to follow a similar path to a job or continued studies?
I would advise current Eastern students to continue with their degree after graduating from EWVCTC. The 2+2 program with West Virginia University at Parkersburg is a great program to continue your education. Also, make sure you know what you want to do! I have struggled a lot trying to decide which master’s degree to pursue after receiving my B.A.S. in Child Development from WVUP.
(Optional) Please feel free to share recent accomplishments and achievements in the workforce or in your continued studies, which may include projects, awards, and any relevant information.
I was in the National Honors Society through WVUP and acted as Secretary. If you get the chance, I suggest being a part of the NHS because they have so many resources for current students and once you graduate.
Are you an Eastern graduate? Have you completed an Ag workforce training program at Eastern? Are you a former Early Entrance student who transferred credits to another college or university? If you are, and you want to share your success story, we would love to hear from you! Email today!