Alumni Student Success: Isaiah B. Smith

A man wearing a hard hat works on a platform. A wind turbine is behind him.

Name:  Isaiah B. Smith Degree(s) earned from Eastern and from other schools: Are you still taking classes? If so, where and what degree are you working toward? No, not since…

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Alumni Student Success: Jennifer Sunryder

Portrait of a woman.

Name:  Jennifer Sunryder Degree(s) earned from Eastern and from other schools: Are you still taking classes? If so, where and what degree are you working toward? Not currently. Once I…

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Workforce Student Success: Christen Welch

A man standing behind a large trailer holding up a piece of paper.

Name:  Christen Welch Workforce training program(s) completed at Eastern: Are you still taking training programs? If so, where and what training are you working toward? No, I am not.  Current…

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