Moorefield W.Va. – On April 11, 2023, Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College Career Services, led by Dixie Heavener, Career Counselor, held a job fair with fifty-one employers onsite. Companies like Northrop Grumman, West Virginia University, and Pilgrim’s Pride were among the employers who attended. There were eighty-nine job seekers in total who showed up throughout the day to network and find employment. Heavener said, “Eastern’s job fair brings together job seekers and employers from the tri-state area to network and discuss job opportunities and internships. I am honored to plan these events for Eastern students, alumni, and community members. I am also very proud of today’s turnout. I hope to see participation rates continue to soar.” A raffle drawing was held at the end for one employer to win an Eastern’s Potomac Highland Producers box. Jessica Rhodes, Dental Office Manager at St George Medical Clinic, was the winner. Eastern holds two job fairs annually, with the next one coming up on October 10, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
About Eastern Career Services
Career Services at Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College is a comprehensive service center designed to meet the career planning, career exploration, job seeking, and post-graduation needs of every student and alumni. Get expert assistance in building or refining your resume, cover letter, or professional portfolio. Practice your interviewing skills with a mentor and receive feedback on your performance. Learn important career planning and employment skills by participating in monthly mini-courses. Topics include but are not limited to negotiating your salary, benefits of online professional platforms (i.e. LinkedIn, Focus2Career, Handshake), job search strategies, interview skills, personal finance, setting up your own business, and how to ask for what you need at work to be successful.
Stop by Room 111 at Eastern’s main campus in Moorefield, WV, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Evening hours are available by appointment. For more information, visit easternwv.edu/current-students/career-services/. Contact Dixie Heavener, Career Counselor at dixie.heavener@easternwv.edu or 304.434.8000 ext. 9239.
