Trinity Racey
Degree(s) earned from Eastern and from other schools:
- Eastern – Associate in Arts – 2009
- Eastern – Associate in Applied Science – 2009
- WVU – Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA) – 2013
Are you still taking classes? If so, where and what degree are you working toward?
I am not taking any classes or working toward a degree now, but maybe one day I will start working toward my master’s degree.
Current Employer/Job (if applicable):
I work for Eastern Panhandle Instructional Cooperative (EPIC) as the Hardy County Adult Education Instructor. My classroom is located at Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College in Moorefield.
What is something you learned (knowledge, training, skills) during your academic program that you utilize in your workplace and/or current studies?
Math. I had been out of school for many years before I decided to go back. I had forgotten so much about math. The math courses I had to take to complete my degree were intense, but it brought back my love for math. They were very helpful when working with my adult education students. Math seems to be the subject that most of my students struggle with.
Please share if courses, faculty, and/or staff at Eastern contributed to your career/educational success and how they helped:
The staff and faculty at Eastern were amazing, but there was one instructor at Eastern who used to be head of the math department — she was my biggest supporter when it came to reaching my career goal. Even after I no longer was her student, she was there for me whenever I had a question or a math problem that I could not help my students answer.

What advice would you give to current Eastern students who are looking to follow a similar path to a job or continued studies?
Always follow your dreams. Don’t be afraid to take chances or do things out of your comfort zone. Believe me, I was not the traditional college student. I had children and a full-time job. I had been out of school for so many years, I was scared to death I would fail. Some semesters were easier than others, and I felt like dropping out more than once. But I didn’t. It was a long and sometimes hard journey, but I am so glad I never gave up.
Are you an Eastern graduate? Have you completed an Ag workforce training program at Eastern? Are you a former Early Entrance student who transferred credits to another college or university? If you are, and you want to share your success story, we would love to hear from you! Email marketing@easternwv.edu today!